Airwave Tech

Upgrading to minikube v1.9.2 on Windows 10

From 1.6.2, eek!

It’s been a few months since I fired up my minikube instance and since then, minkube v1.9.2 and K8S v1.18.1 have come out. Time to upgrade!

Upgrade Minikube to v.1.9.2

minikube stop

choco upgrade minikube –version 1.9.2

Upgrade Kubernetes

minikube stop

minikube start –kubernetes-version=1.18.1

Upgrade kubectl

choco upgrade kubernetes-cli

kubectl version

and you’re done!!!


You will see this message:

I’ve tried to fix this without deleting minikube, because it was bothering me. Upon reading it’s benign and not worth the effort.

If you are willing to start over, you can always delete your minikube cluster and start over.

minikube delete

minikube start –vm-driver vmware –cpus 4 –memory 4096 –kubernetes-version=1.18.1

You might see this…

or you might see images downloading

I’ve tried upgrading K8S without updating minikube, and got errors.

so don’t do that.

All in all, a pretty straight forward upgrade, very similar to the last update. Happy cloud computing every one.

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