Airwave Tech


Skaffold, a quick run-through on Windows

From 1.6.2, eek! It’s been a few months since I fired up my minikube instance and since then, minkube v1.9.2 and K8S v1.18.1 have come out. Time to upgrade! Upgrade Minikube to v.1.9.2 minikube stop choco upgrade minikube –version 1.9.2 Upgrade Kubernetes minikube stop minikube start –kubernetes-version=1.18.1 Upgrade kubectl choco

Upgrading to minikube v1.9.2 on Windows 10

From 1.6.2, eek! It’s been a few months since I fired up my minikube instance and since then, minkube v1.9.2 and K8S v1.18.1 have come out. Time to upgrade! Upgrade Minikube to v.1.9.2 minikube stop choco upgrade minikube –version 1.9.2 Upgrade Kubernetes minikube stop minikube start –kubernetes-version=1.18.1 Upgrade kubectl choco

What is GitOps and why now?

A brief history lesson of how we got here. GitOps is a practice that uses Git (source control) as the source of truth for your codified infrastructure. Coupled with a way to sync your stack’s current state against this source code, your system will continuously converge to what has been

Scanning Pods with Anchore, Jenkins, Minikube, Windows

Shifting Security Left by scanning your container images It’s been quite some time since I wrote a how-to article. A lot has changed since then with me personally but let’s get right into it. Anchore Engine is an open-source tool that scans your container images to see if there are

Visualizing RBAC on Kubernetes on Windows

Using a tool to help you see your RBAC setup I’m taking a quick break from leveraging Istio to introduce an RBAC visualization tool to help you get a better idea of your RBAC situation. RBAC is a bit difficult to conceptualize for me, so I was looking for a

Creating a Helm Chart

One more step in our automation quest… In my last post, I covered GitOps, how we got here, and why it’s important. In this post, we are going to get back to the technical stuff and cover the deployable artifact, a Helm Chart Where we are in our stages As

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